地球信息科学学报  2019 , 21 (1): 25-35 https://doi.org/10.12082/dqxxkx.2019.180199



王陆一15, 吴健生12*, 李卫锋34

1. 北京大学城市规划与设计学院,城市人居环境科学与技术重点实验室,深圳518055
2. 北京大学城市与环境学院,地表过程与模拟教育部重点实验室,北京100871
3. 香港大学建筑学院城市规划及设计系,香港 999077
4. 香港大学深圳研究院,深圳 518057
5. 滴滴出行地图事业部,北京 100094

Usage Patterns and Driving Mechanisms of Public Bicycle Systems in Small and Medium-Sized Cities based on Space-Time Data Mining

WANG Luyi15, WU Jiansheng12*, LI Weifeng34

1. Key Laboratory for Urban Habitant Environment Science and Technology, School of Urban Planning and Design, Peking University, Shenzhen, Guangdong 518055, China
2. Laboratory for Earth Surface Processes of Ministry of Education, College of Urban and Environmental Sciences, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China
3. Department of Urban Planning and Design, Faculty of Architecture, The University of Hong Kong, Hongkong 999077, China
4. Shenzhen Institute of Research and Innovation, The University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen 518057, China
5. Map Division, Didi Chuxing, Beijing 100094, China

通讯作者:  *通讯作者:吴健生(1965-),男,博士,教授,博士生导师,研究方向为遥感与地理信息系统、数字城市与城市安全、景观生态学与土地利用。E-mail:wujs@pkusz.edu.cn

收稿日期: 2018-04-23

修回日期:  2018-09-23

网络出版日期:  2019-01-20

版权声明:  2019 《地球信息科学学报》编辑部 《地球信息科学学报》编辑部 所有

基金资助:  国家自然科学基金面上项目(41471370).






关键词: 公共自行车 ; 中小城市 ; 时空数据挖掘 ; 随机森林 ; 驱动机制


Given the importance of environment-friendly cities, the development of public bicycle systems (PBSs) has become more popular in recent years around the world. The purpose of this study was to explore the usage patterns of PBSs in small and medium-sized cities in Guangdong province, China, and to infer the driving mechanisms of system attributes and the built environment. The research applied time series analysis of global activity patterns, hierarchical clustering algorithm using Dynamic Time Warping distances as features and spatial data visualization on station-based data, and then compared different systems by employing a random forest algorithm to evaluate the influencing factors. The study objective was to better understand the relationship between public bicycle usage activity and underlying built environment characteristics. In Huicheng District of Huizhou City and Shaoguan City, the public bicycle usage patterns are regular, and bicycle stations are grouped into several clusters based on usage patterns of "morning destination, night origin" "morning origin, night destination" and "steady throughout the day". The PBS in Huicheng District plays various roles by helping users commute to and from jobs and schools, and to make short distance trips. The PBS also is a complementary tool for bus transit facilities. The PBS in Shaoguan City mostly serves as a mode for commuting. The PBS is inefficiently used in Huiyang District of Huizhou City owing to the poor road conditions. This research provides a study framework that can be reproduced in other areas, and offers a way of optimizing PBSs, thereby assisting urban transportation planning and urban land use allocation.

Keywords: public bicycle ; small and medium-sized cities ; spatio-temporal data mining ; random forest ; driving mechanisms


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王陆一, 吴健生, 李卫锋. 中小城市公共自行车出行模式与驱动机制研究[J]. 地球信息科学学报, 2019, 21(1): 25-35 https://doi.org/10.12082/dqxxkx.2019.180199

WANG Luyi, WU Jiansheng, LI Weifeng. Usage Patterns and Driving Mechanisms of Public Bicycle Systems in Small and Medium-Sized Cities based on Space-Time Data Mining[J]. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2019, 21(1): 25-35 https://doi.org/10.12082/dqxxkx.2019.180199

1 引言

中国近年来城市快速扩张,交通机动化的趋 势明显。为了减少机动车带来的污染排放、交通 拥堵,不仅需要限制小汽车出行,同时要改善公共出行环境,鼓励低碳交通方式。其中,公共自行车作为共享经济模式在交通出行发展的产物,具有 重要意义和发展空间,近年来在全世界得到重视 并迅速发展。至2016年底,全球大约有1200个公共自行车系统[1]。自2008年开始,中国先后在杭州、上海、北京、广州、深圳等城市实施了公共自行车系统[2]


为了帮助规划部门、公共自行车运营部门评估城市潜在的运行机理,促进系统运营,需要对自行车出行模式的驱动机制进行研究。Zhang等[11]建立多元线性回归和空间回归模型,探讨中山市建成环境对出行需求量和需求供给比的影响,其中的建成环境变量主要是指站点自身特征和可达性、自行车出行基础设施、公共交通以及土地利用特征。Wang等[12]建立了Log-linear和负二项回归模型,评估了居民的经济社会属性、土地利用特征(包括水体、商业区、学校)、其他交通站点等因素对于日均出行量影响的边际效应;该研究成果可以为优化公共自行车运营、新站点选址提供参考。Faghih-Imani等[13]研究了蒙特利尔土地利用和城市形态对自行车出行量的影响,建立线性回归和线性混合模型,利用log-likelihood ratio进行模型检验;主要结论表明临近的商务区、饭店、大学对出行量有显著影响,增加站点数量比增加某站点车位数对车流量的影响更加显著。已有研究表明,影响公共自行车出行的主要因素可能包括:系统本身属性、交通基础设施和公共交通换乘、土地利用情况等。

现有对于公共自行车的研究不足主要体现在 3个方面:① 研究区大多集中在欧洲大中城市、北美等地,中国区域研究主要关注杭州、北京等一线城市,缺乏对于欠发达地区的关注。中小城市发展空间紧凑、土地开发强度低,居民出行特征与发达城市会有所不同;② 国内对于公共自行车出行模式的研究有待大规模时空数据的进一步分析和佐证;③ 国内鲜有研究定量分析建成环境对于公共自行车使用行为的驱动机制。本文将对以上不足开展以下研究:选取广东省惠州市惠城区和惠阳区、韶关市区3个公共自行车系统作为研究对象,基于历史使用数据,挖掘全局使用情况,对站点使用模式进行识别并聚类,探索自行车出行的时空特征;利用随机森林算法检测站点使用模式的影响因素及其重要性程度;在研究结果的基础上,结合调研和规划文件,为城市规划和公共自行车部门提供政策依据,同时对城市用地布局和其他交通系统的规划与评估提供参考。

2 研究区概况和数据来源

惠州市位于广东省东南部,属于珠江三角洲城市群。惠州市管辖惠城区、惠阳区等区县。惠城区位于惠州市中部,是市政府所在地,功能分区包括住宅区、商业区、行政区和文化区,2015年底常住人口120.01万人。惠阳区位于惠州市南部,是惠州区域副中心城市,西靠深圳、东莞,南临大亚湾,2015年常住人口59.56万人。惠州市中,惠城区和惠阳区相距大约30 km,基本不存在跨区骑行的情况,故分开讨论。韶关市被定位为“粤北区域中心城市”,是广东的老工业基地和重要生态屏障,2016年末韶关市区常住接近100万人。3个区域(图1)均建设了公共自行车系统且已运营时间较长,进行中小城市研究具有一定的典型性。系统的基本属性如表1所示。不同的区域具有不同的经济水平和功能区定位、人口分布、交通建设水平、土地利用和建成环境,各方面的差异势必造成自行车出行模式的差异。通过不同区域的比较研究,尤其针对缺乏关注度的中小城市居民出行特征的研究,有利于全面细致地探索居民出行和城市结构的交互关系。

图1   研究区域

Fig. 1   Study area

表1   研究区域公共自行车系统概况

Tab. 1   Attributes of the public bicycle systems



本文采用的公共自行车站点数据来自惠民运营系统管理有限公司网站[14],编写Python脚本实时获取各个站点的可借车辆和剩余车位数据。选取的数据时间跨度为2017-05-01至2017-09-01,时间分辨率为10 min。根据以往研究[5],该频率获取的数据可以较精确地反映一天中出行行为和自行车可用性的变化,描绘出通勤高峰时段和其他的特征。每一条记录值包含的属性字段主要有:站点ID、名称、具体地址、经纬度、总车位数、可借车数、可还车数、日期时间和星期。


其他使用到的数据包括:人口分布数据(2013年)为Oak Ridge国家实验室提供的LandScanTM[16] 数据;道路数据来自众包地图平台OpenStreetMap[17];公交站点数据和地理兴趣点(Points of Interest,POI),POI数据(电子地图上的地标、景点、处所等)来自北京城市实验室(Beijing CityLab)[18,19]

3 研究方法

3.1 时间序列数据分析和层次聚类


由于系统中站点的总车位数并不是统一的,引入标准化可借车数(Normalization Available Bicycles,NAB)的概念,即可借车数的数量占总车位数的比值[3,20]。NAB的范围是0(代表车位全空,无法借车)到1(代表车位占满,无法还车)。考虑到某些站点的NAB序列的日变化趋势相近,但是真实值不相近,为了提高聚类的效果,对可借车数进行二次标准化,引入NNAB(Normalized NAB)的概念。对于某一天的数据,NNAB计算如下:



对于时间序列数据相似度的度量,采取动态时间规整(Dynamic Time Warping, DTW)距离[21]。给定2个时间序列集Q和C,DTW距离的计算需要构建一个n×m的邻接矩阵,寻找最短路径。矩阵中第(i, j)个元素为(qi-cj2,代表匹配时间序列Q的点 qi到时间序列C的点cj的距离。在本文中,由于数据每10 min收集一次,一天一个站点的数据量为 6×24=144,所以n=m=144。2组时间序列的匹配可以表示为矩阵中一条弯曲的路径:W=w1, w2, …, wk, …, wK,且该路径是连续的、单调的,始于矩阵的左下角、终于矩阵的右上角。2组时间序列的最佳匹配需要该路径经过的点的匹配距离和最小,对应的最小距离和即是DTW距离[22]



3.2 影响因素特征生成和随机森林

根据已有的研究[11-12,23-24]可知,系统本身属性和建成环境对自行车出行模式有一定影响,其影响因素归结可为3大类:① 自行车站点属性,包含自行车站点总车位数、距离最近站点的距离、缓冲区内自行车站点数;② 可达性和公共交通接驳,包含缓冲区内的人口、非机动车道长度、机动车道长度、公交站数量;③ 城市土地利用和功能区情况,包含缓冲区内POI种类、不同类别(就业、居住、商业、公共服务、学校、休闲娱乐)POI数量。本文选取300 m欧氏距离作为缓冲区,计算站点建成环境的特征变量,因为该值在以往的研究中被证明可以较好地反映自行车站点服务范围的效果[11,25],且步行长度大约为10 min,取值合理。



4 公共自行车出行模式研究

4.1 全局出行行为分析


图2   惠州市惠城区站点可借车数平均值日变化

Fig. 2   Average of the total bicycles available in the stations in Huicheng, Huizhou

图3   惠州市惠阳区站点可借车数平均值日变化

Fig. 3   Average of the total bicycles available in the stations in Huiyang, Huizhou

图4   韶关市站点可借车数平均值日变化

Fig. 4   Average of the total bicycles available in the stations in Shaoguan



韶关市中心区的公共自行车租借行为存在较明显的“潮汐性”。系统的使用高峰出现在8-10时和17-18时,早高峰使用极值出现在9时左右。高峰期自行车使用量占到总车数的9%。周末相较于工作日来说,自行车的使用情况变化较为平缓,使用强度整体较工作日低,尤其是2个高峰时段。与惠州市惠城区整体使用情况不同的是,在20-21时,韶关市公共自行车系统出现了一个局部使用高峰,揭示出该地区部分市民夜间出行、户外休闲活动的特点。韶关市区生态环境优美,市区范围内到达目的地耗时大多不超过1 h,一定程度上有利于自行车出行。

4.2 出行模式聚类分析


惠州市惠城区的公共自行车站点可大致分为 5种类别模式(图5-图6),其中类别1、4、5对应“早间出发地、晚间到达地”型,类别3对应“早间到达地、晚间出发地”型,类别2对应“平稳”型。从空间分布来看,“早间到达地、晚间出发地”型的站点集中分布在穿城而过的东江北部惠州市政府附近以及东江南部的世贸中心、港惠新天地等商圈,日间到达热点区域呈现双中心的格局。“早间出发地、晚间到达地”型站点也呈现一定程度上的空间集聚,如沿二环路外围、东江支流西枝江两岸等。

图5   惠州市惠城区站点工作日聚类结果NNAB日变化趋势

Fig. 5   Average NNAB of clusters on weekdays in Huicheng, Huizhou

图6   惠州市惠城区站点工作日NNAB聚类结果空间分布

Fig. 6   Map visualization of NNAB clustering results on weekdays in Huicheng, Huizhou


图7   惠州市惠阳区站点工作日聚类结果NNAB日变化趋势

Fig. 7   Average NNAB of clusters on weekdays in Huiyang, Huizhou

图8   惠州市惠阳区站点工作日NNAB聚类结果空间分布

Fig. 8   Map visualization of NNAB clustering results on weekdays in Huiyang, Huizhou


图9   韶关市站点工作日聚类结果NNAB日变化趋势

Fig. 9   Average NNAB of clusters on weekdays in Shaoguan

图10   韶关市站点工作日NNAB聚类结果空间分布

Fig. 10   Map visualization of NNAB clustering results on weekdays in Shaoguan


5 出行模式驱动机制研究

本节对惠州市惠城区和韶关市中心区的公共自行车站点模式和影响因素的关系分别进行随机森林分析,得到特定出行行为的驱动机制。由于惠州市惠阳区公共自行车使用强度微弱,且没有识别出有规律的模式,故不在本文讨论范围。利用R语言的"randomForest"工具包进行随机森林算法的实现。对于惠州市惠城区和韶关市,训练样本剔除了使用行为模式规则不明显的站点,剩余样本数分别为56和25。选取合适的树节点预选变量个数(mtry)和模型包含的决策树的数目(ntree),控制模型误差,并剔除对模型重要性程度小的特征变量,得到的因子重要性评价结果如图11-图12所示(图11见第33页,图12见第34页)。2个模型的袋外数据估计错误率分别为17.86%和24.00%,效果较好。结果中,Mean Decrease Accuracy(平均准确率降低度)和Mean Decrease Gini(平均基尼指数降低度)描述的是特征变量重要性度量[30]。Mean Decrease Accuracy描述的是当把一个变量变成随机数时,随机森林预测准确度的降低程度,该值越大表示该变量的重要性越大。Mean Decrease Gini通过基尼指数计算每个变量对决策树上每个节点的观测值的异质性的影响,该值越大表示该变量的重要性越大。

图11   惠州市惠城区站点类别影响因素重要程度

Fig. 11   Importance evaluation of factors on station cluster in Huicheng, Huizhou

图12   韶关市站点类别影响因素重要程度

Fig. 12   Importance evaluation of factors on station cluster in Shaoguan





6 结论与讨论






The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


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https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1000-3363.2012.05.010      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[ Zhu W, Pang Y Q, Wang D, et al.

Travel behavior change after the introduction of public bicycle systems: A case study of Minhang District, Shanghai

[J]. Urban Planning Forum, 2012(5):76-81. ]

https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1000-3363.2012.05.010      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[11] Zhang Y, Thomas T, Brussel M, et al.

Exploring the impact of built environment factors on the use of public bikes at bike stations: Case study in Zhongshan, China

[J]. Journal of Transport Geography, 2017,58(SupC):59-70.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2016.11.014      URL      [本文引用: 3]      摘要

Many countries have implemented public bike systems to promote sustainable public transportation. Despite the rapid development of such systems, few studies have investigated how built environment factors affect the use of public bikes at station level using trip data, taking account of the spatial correlation between nearby stations. Built environment factors are strongly associated with travel demand and play an important role in the success of public bike systems. Using trip data from Zhongshan's public bike system, this paper employed a multiple linear regression model to examine the influence of built environment variables on trip demand as well as on the ratio of demand to supply (D/S) at bike stations. It also considered the spatial correlations of PBS usage between nearby stations, using the spatial weighted matrix. These built environment variables mainly refer to station attributes and accessibility, cycling infrastructure, public transport facilities, and land use characteristics. Generally, we found that both trip demand and the ratio of demand to supply at bike stations were positively influenced by population density, length of bike lanes and branch roads, and diverse land-use types near the station, and were negatively influenced by the distance to city center and the number of other nearby stations. However, public transport facilities do not show a significant impact on both demand and D/S at stations, which might be attributed to local modal split. We also found that the PBS usage at stations is positively associated with usage at nearby stations. Model results also suggest that adding a new station (with empty capacity) within a 300m catchment of a station to share the capacity of the bike station can improve the demand-supply ratio at the station. Referring to both trip demand models and D/S models, regression fits were quite strong with larger R2for weekdays than for weekends and holidays, and for morning and evening peak hours than for off-peak hours. These quantitative analyses and findings can be beneficial to urban planners and operators to improve the demand and turnover of public bikes at bike stations, and to expand or build public bike systems in the future.
[12] Wang X, Lindsey G, Schoner J E, et al.

Modeling bike share station activity: Effects of nearby businesses and jobs on trips to and from stations

[J]. Journal of Urban Planning and Development, 2015,142(1):4015001.

[本文引用: 2]     

[13] Faghih-Imani A, Eluru N, El-Geneidy A M, et al.

How land-use and urban form impact bicycle flows: Evidence from the bicycle-sharing system (BIXI) in Montreal

[J]. Journal of Transport Geography, 2014,41:306-314.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2014.01.013      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Installed in 2009, BIXI is the first major public bicycle-sharing system in Montreal, Canada. The BIXI system has been a success, accounting for more than one million trips annually. This success has increased the interest in exploring the factors affecting bicycle-sharing flows and usage. Using data compiled as minute-by-minute readings of bicycle availability at all the stations of the BIXI system between April and August 2012, this study contributes to the literature on bicycle-sharing. We examine the influence of meteorological data, temporal characteristics, bicycle infrastructure, land use and built environment attributes on arrival and departure flows at the station level using a multilevel approach to statistical modeling, which could easily be applied to other regions. The findings allow us to identify factors contributing to increased usage of bicycle-sharing in Montreal and to provide recommendations pertaining to station size and location decisions. The developed methodology and findings can be of benefit to city planners and engineers who are designing or modifying bicycle-sharing systems with the goal of maximizing usage and availability.
[14] 广东惠民运营股份有限公司.2017. , .

URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[15] 欧彦婵.



URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

自行车交通作为一种绿色、环保、低碳的交通方式,必然成为新城区交通系统的重要组成部分。本 文主要基于现状调查,主要研究韶关主城区自行车交通现状及公共自行车交通存在的问题,进而提出与城市土地利用相协调的中远期交通设施规划方案,促进城市交 通的畅通、安全、绿色发展,为市民提供快捷、经济、舒适和安全的服务。

[ Ou Y C.

Research on the planning of bicycle transportation system in main urban areas of Shaoguan

[J]. Building Knowledge: Academic Journal, 2014(B02):93-93. ]

URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

自行车交通作为一种绿色、环保、低碳的交通方式,必然成为新城区交通系统的重要组成部分。本 文主要基于现状调查,主要研究韶关主城区自行车交通现状及公共自行车交通存在的问题,进而提出与城市土地利用相协调的中远期交通设施规划方案,促进城市交 通的畅通、安全、绿色发展,为市民提供快捷、经济、舒适和安全的服务。

“2013 LandScan data for population distribution from the Oak Ridge National Laboratory in USA.”

[EB/OL].Oak Ridge National Laboratory. .

URL      [本文引用: 1]     


OpenStreetMap contributors

[EB/OL]. “OpenStreetMap.” .

URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[18] Long Y.

Redefining Chinese city system with emerging new data

[J]. Applied Geography, 2016, 75:36-48.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apgeog.2016.08.002      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

61Redefine Chinese city system with road junctions using percolation theory.61Evaluate the redefined city system in terms of its size, pattern, scaling, hierarchy and temporal evolution.61Understand the evolution of the Chinese city system during 2009–2014.61Benchmark the results with the conventional Chinese city system by using yearbooks.
[19] Jin X, Long Y, Sun W, et al.

Evaluating cities' vitality and identifying ghost cities in China with emerging geographical data

[J]. Cities, 2017,63:98-109.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cities.2017.01.002      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

With the rapid urbanization of China, plenty of new urban lands have been developed with the great expectation to deal with all kinds of issues in old urban areas such as high population density, great demand on limited land resources, and decaying environment. However, a great proportion of vacancy in these newly developed units leads to the undesired observation of ghost cities. Lacking of clear and effectively evaluation criterion, the understanding of ghost cities in China is then rather limited. Considering the fact of ghost cities, we borrow the theory of urban vitality to identify and evaluate ghost cities in this paper. We argue that ghost cities are associated with very low urban vitality. In the light of big/open data, we are able to profile ghost cities of China based on 535,523 recent project-level residential developments from 2002 to 2013. We use the national-wide and million magnitude road junctions, points of interest and location based service records of 2014/2015 for measuring the morphological, functional and social vitality of each residential project. We then aggregate the project level evaluation results into the city level and thirty ghost cities are then identified by comparing the residential projects' vitality in the old (developed before or in 2000) and new (developed after 2000) urban areas in each city. Our profiling results illustrate the big picture of China's past residential developments, and then of ghost cities. We find the average vitality of residential projects in new urban areas is only 8.8% of that in old urban areas, denoting the potential existence of ghost cities in newly developed areas in Chinese cities. We have also benchmarked our identified ghost cities with existing rankings, the Baidu searching engine and night-time light images. Although we admit that ghost cities may exist in the particular urbanizing phase of China and that some ghost cities now may be well developed in the future, this study provides a thorough evaluation on the ghost city condition in China. This may shed light on policy implications for Chinese urban development.
[20] Lathia N, Ahmed S, Capra L.

Measuring the impact of opening the London shared bicycle scheme to casual users

[J]. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 2012,22:88-102.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.trc.2011.12.004      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

The increasing availability of sensor data in urban areas now offers the opportunity to perform continuous evaluations of transport systems and measure the effects of policy changes, in an empirical, large-scale, and non-invasive way. In this paper, we study one such example: the effect of changing the user-access policy in the London Barclays Cycle Hire scheme. When the scheme was launched in July 2010, users were required to apply for a key to access to the system. By December 2010, this policy was overridden in order to allow for “casual” usage, so that anyone in possession of a debit or credit card could gain access. While the transport authority measured the policy shift’s success by the increased number of trips, we set out to investigate how the change affected the system’s usage throughout the city. We present an extensive analysis of station data collected from the scheme’s web site both pre- and post-policy change, showing how differences in both global and local behaviour can be measured, and how the policy change correlates with a variety of effects observed around the city. We find that, as expected, quicker access to the system correlates with greater week end usage; it also reinforces the week-day commuting trend. In both the pre- and post-change periods, the geographic distribution of activity at individual stations forms concentric circles around central London. However, upon policy change, a number of stations undergo a complete usage change, now exhibiting an opposite trend with respect to that which they had prior to the policy change.
[21] Berndt D J, Clifford J.

Using dynamic time warping to find patterns in time series

[C]. Working notes of the knowledge discovery in databases workshop, 1994:359-370.

[本文引用: 1]     

[22] Kate R J.

Using dynamic time warping distances as features for improved time series classification

[J]. Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, 2016,30(2):283-312.

https://doi.org/10.1007/s10618-015-0418-x      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

Dynamic time warping (DTW) has proven itself to be an exceptionally strong distance measure for time series. DTW in combination with one-nearest neighbor, one of the simplest machine learning...
[23] El-Assi W, Mahmoud M S, Habib K N.

Effects of built environment and weather on bike sharing demand: A station level analysis of commercial bike sharing in Toronto

[J]. Transportation, 2017,44(3):589-613.

https://doi.org/10.1007/s11116-015-9669-z      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Abstract Bike Share Toronto is Canada’s second largest public bike share system. It provides a unique case study as it is one of the few bike share programs located in a relatively cold North American setting, yet operates throughout the entire year. Using year-round historical trip data, this study analyzes the factors affecting Toronto’s bike share ridership. A comprehensive spatial analysis provides meaningful insights on the influences of socio-demographic attributes, land use and built environment, as well as different weather measures on bike share ridership. Empirical models also reveal significant effects of road network configuration (intersection density and spatial dispersion of stations) on bike sharing demands. The effect of bike infrastructure (bike lane, paths etc.) is also found to be crucial in increasing bike sharing demand. Temporal changes in bike share trip making behavior were also investigated using a multilevel framework. The study reveals a significant correlation between temperature, land use and bike share trip activity. The findings of the paper can be translated to guidelines with the aim of increasing bike share activity in urban centers.
[24] Etienne C, Latifa O.

Model-based count series clustering for bike sharing system usage mining: A case study with the Vélib’ System of Paris

[J]. Acm Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology, 2014,5(3):1-21.

https://doi.org/10.1145/2560188      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Today, more and more bicycle sharing systems (BSSs) are being introduced in big cities. These transportation systems generate sizable transportation data, the mining of which can reveal the underlying urban phenomenon linked to city dynamics. This article presents a statistical model to automatically analyze the trip data of a bike sharing system. The proposed solution partitions (i.e., clusters) the stations according to their usage profiles. To do so, count series describing the stations’s usage through departure/arrival counts per hour throughout the day are built and analyzed. The model for processing these count series is based on Poisson mixtures and introduces a station scaling factor that handles the differences between the stations’s global usage. Differences between weekday and weekend usage are also taken into account. This model identifies the latent factors that shape the geography of trips, and the results may thus offer insights into the relationships between station neighborhood type (its amenities, its demographics, etc.) and the generated mobility patterns. In other words, the proposed method brings to light the different functions in different areas that induce specific patterns in BSS data. These potentials are demonstrated through an in-depth analysis of the results obtained on the Paris Vélib’ large-scale bike sharing system.
[25] Gutierrez J, Cardozo O D, Garciapalomares J C.

Transit ridership forecasting at station level: An approach based on distance-decay weighted regression

[J]. Journal of Transport Geography, 2011,19(6):1081-1092.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2011.05.004      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

This article develops a rapid response ridership forecast model, based on the combined use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS), distance-decay functions and multiple regression models. The number of passengers boarding at each station in the Madrid Metro network is estimated as a function of the characteristics of the stations (type, number of lines, accessibility within the network, etc.) and of the areas they serve (population and employment characteristics, land-use mix, street density, presence of feeder modes, etc.). The paper considers the need to evaluate the distance threshold used (not the choice of a fixed distance threshold by assimilation from other studies), the distance calculation procedure (network distance versus straight-line distance) and, above all, the use of distance-decay weighted regression (so that the data from the bands nearer the stations have a greater weighting in the model than those farther away). Analyses carried out show that weighting the variables according to the distance-decay functions provides systematically better results. The choice of distance threshold also significantly improves outcomes. When an all-or-nothing function is used, the way the service area is calculated (straight-line or network distances) does not seem to have a decisive influence on the results. However, it seems to be more influential when distance-decay weighting is used.Highlights? The article develops a rapid response ridership forecast model. ? It is based on the use of distance-decay functions and multiple regression models. ? Weighting the predictors according to that functions provides better results.
[26] 李航. 统计学习方法[M].北京:清华大学出版社,2012:55-56.

[本文引用: 1]     

[ Li H.Statistical learning method[M]. Beijing: Tsinghua University Press, 2012:55-56. ]

[本文引用: 1]     

[27] Breiman L.

Random forests

[J]. Machine Learning, 2001,45(1):5-32.

https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1010933404324      URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[28] Liu Y, Liu X, Gao S, et al.

Social sensing: A new approach to understanding our socioeconomic environments

[J]. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 2015,105(3):512-530.

https://doi.org/10.1080/00045608.2015.1018773      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

The emergence of big data brings new opportunities for us to understand our socioeconomic environments. We use the term social sensing for such individual-level big geospatial data and the associated analysis methods. The word sensing suggests two natures of the data. First, they can be viewed as the analogue and complement of remote sensing, as big data can capture well socioeconomic features while conventional remote sensing data do not have such privilege. Second, in social sensing data, each individual plays the role of a sensor. This article conceptually bridges social sensing with remote sensing and points out the major issues when applying social sensing data and associated analytics. We also suggest that social sensing data contain rich information about spatial interactions and place semantics, which go beyond the scope of traditional remote sensing data. In the coming big data era, GIScientists should investigate theories in using social sensing data, such as data representativeness and quality, and develop new tools to deal with social sensing data.
[29] 牟乃夏,张恒才,陈洁,.



https://doi.org/10.3724/SP.J.1047.2015.01136      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[ Mou N X, Zhang H C, Chen J, et al.

A review on the application research of trajectory data mining in urban cities

[J]. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2015,17(10):1136-1142. ]

https://doi.org/10.3724/SP.J.1047.2015.01136      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[30] Han H, Guo X, Yu H.

Variable selection using mean decrease accuracy and mean decrease gini based on random forest

[C]. IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering and Service Science, 2017:219-224.

[本文引用: 1]     

[31] Zhang L, Zhang J, Duan Z Y, et al.

Sustainable bike-sharing systems: Characteristics and commonalities across cases in urban China

[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2015,97:124-133.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2014.04.006      URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[32] Shaheen S A, Zhang H, Martin E.

Hangzhou public bicycle: Understanding early adoption and behavioral response to bikesharing in Hangzhou, China

[J]. Transportation Research Record, 2011,2247(2247):34-41.

https://doi.org/10.3141/2247-05      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Over the past 20 years, China has experienced a steady decline in bicycle use. To address this trend, China's central and local government for urban transportation created the Public Transit Priority to encourage public transport initiatives. As part of this effort, the Hangzhou government launched 鈥淗angzhou Public Bicycle鈥 in 2008. This service allows members to access a shared fleet of bicycles. As of March 2011, it operated 60,600 bicycles with 2,416 fixed stations in eight core districts. To understand factors leading to bikesharing adoption and barriers to adoption,the authors conducted an intercept survey in Hangzhou between January and March 2010. Two separate questionnaires were issued to bikesharing members and non-members to identify key differences and similarities between these groups. In total, 806 surveys were completed, including 666 members and 140 non-members. The authors found that bikesharing is capturing modal share from bus transit, walking, autos, and taxis. Approximately 30% of members had incorporated bikesharing into their most common commute. Members indicated that they most frequently used a bikesharing station closest to either home (40%) or work (40%). These modal shifts suggest that bikesharing acts as both a competitor and a complement to existing public transit.Members exhibited a higher rate of auto ownership in comparison to non-members, suggesting that bikesharing is attractive to car owners. Recommendations for improving bikesharing in Hangzhou include: adding stations and real-time bike/parking availability technologies, improving bike maintenance and locking mechanisms, and extending operational hours.
[33] Campbell A A, Cherry C R, Ryerson M S, et al.

Factors influencing the choice of shared bicycles and shared electric bikes in Beijing

[J]. Transportation Research Part C, 2016,67:399-414.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.trc.2016.03.004      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

China leads the world in both public bikeshare and private electric bike (e-bike) growth. Current trajectories indicate the viability of deploying large-scale shared e-bike (e-bikeshare) systems in China. We employ a stated preference survey and multinomial logit to model the factors influencing the choice to switch from an existing transportation mode to bikeshare or e-bikeshare in Beijing. Demand is influenced by distinct sets of factors: the bikeshare choice is most sensitive to measures of effort and comfort while the e-bikeshare choice is more sensitive to user heterogeneities. Bikeshare demand is strongly negatively impacted by trip distance, temperature, precipitation, and poor air quality. User demographics however do not factor strongly on the bikeshare choice, indicating the mode will draw users from across the social spectrum. The e-bikeshare choice is much more tolerant of trip distance, high temperatures and poor air quality, though precipitation is also a highly negative factor. User demographics do play a significant role in e-bikeshare demand. Analysis of impact to the existing transportation system finds that both bikeshare and e-bikeshare will tend to draw users away from the “unsheltered modes”, walk, bike, and e-bike. Although it is unclear if shared bikes are an attractive “first-and-last-mile solution”, it is clear that e-bikeshare is attractive as a bus replacement.
[34] 吴健生,李博,黄秀兰.



https://doi.org/10.3724/SP.J.1047.2017.00176      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[ Wu J S, Li B, Huang X L.

Spatio-temporal dynamics and driving mechanisms of resident trip in small cities

[J]. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2017,19(2):176-184. ]

https://doi.org/10.3724/SP.J.1047.2017.00176      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

