收稿日期: 2016-07-1
修回日期: 2016-11-1
网络出版日期: 2017-04-20
版权声明: 2017 《地球信息科学学报》编辑部 《地球信息科学学报》编辑部 所有
Serious air pollution has recently aroused wide public concerns in China. The traditional method of quantitative remote sensing model is not only sophisticated but also inaccurate to fetch the exact PM2.5 data near the ground. Though the built-up ground monitoring stations can now provide sufficient PM2.5 observation data with high sampling frequency, there still exist many extreme outliers due to inevitable observation noise. Therefore, in this study, we adopted Kalman filter for optimal estimation of time-series of air quality data in 338 cities of China and comprehensively analyzed the spatiotemporal distribution pattern during the period of 2015. In our detailed analysis, we used DTW based K-Medoids clustering to classify cities into 4 levels according to their contamination degree, and utilized q statistic technique to evaluate the spatial stratified heterogeneity of PM2.5. The results show that by using Kalman filter, noise can be effectively reduced and value of PSNR can be significantly improved. In the study of temporal distribution, we found that PM2.5 followed a ‘U’ curve in yearly temporal distributions while daily temporal distributions obeyed a ‘W’ curve. PM2.5 density is much higher in winter than in summer in China, and spatial stratified heterogeneity is even more pronounced during the fall-winter stage. In the study of spatial distribution, it can be clearly seen that PM2.5 appears a ‘Dual-core’ pattern across China where concentration of PM2.5 spiked at Xinjiang and North China plain. In contrast, Xizang, Guangdong and Yunnan are more stable areas with excellent air quality, ranking first-tier nationwide.
传统的PM2.5的研究主要利用卫星观测数据,通过遥感反演气溶胶光学厚度(AOT)来揭示PM2.5的分布规律[5-8]。但是,利用遥感反演方法数据更新周期长,难以揭示不同时间尺度(季节、月、日)的PM2.5浓度变化规律,也难以反映近地面PM2.5浓度的空间分布格局[9]。2012年以来,中国陆续在全国各城市建设了空气质量监测站,并实时监测和发布PM2.5等6项污染物浓度数据。监测站的数据更新周期为1 h,因而能揭示不同时间尺度的PM2.5变化规律。武装[10]等利用监测数据,基于Hadoop平台进行了空气污染时空分布的可视化分析,王振波等[11]基于中国2014年190个城市的945个监测站的PM2.5浓度观测数据,采用空间数据统计模型,揭示了中国PM2.5的时空分布格局。然而,时空维度上的直观统计量只能揭示特定城市的时间变化规律,而不能反映其与其他城市的相关性。而且,由于测量噪声的存在,采用均值滤波处理监测站数据不能反映PM2.5浓度的真实分布。
在Kalman滤波的基础上,本研究获取了中国各城市PM2.5浓度的月度变化。为了有效分析不同地区PM2.5浓度的时间分布差异,本研究采用基于动态时间规整(Dynamic Time Warping, DTW)的K-Medoids聚类方法,对各个城市的PM2.5浓度分布分级划分。
本研究采用DTW对2个时间序列进行动态规整,并基于DTW路径的长度来衡量2个时间序列之间的相似度。同时,采用AP(Affinity Propagation)[32]算法初始化聚类中心,来减小随机选择对聚类结果的影响。AP算法在初始过程将所有数据点作为潜在的聚类中心,数据点之间通过吸引度和归属度之间的信息传递来竞争聚类中心和选择归属的聚类中心[33-34],以此获得几个具有代表性的聚类中心。另外,为了精确化聚类数目,本研究引入Silhouette来评估聚类结果的合理性。Silhouette是Rousseeuw[35]提出的评价每个数据对象与其所属类别的适宜度的指标,它基于数据点与类内其他数据点和其他类中数据点之间的距离来衡量类内凝聚度和类间离散度[36],从而确定最适宜的聚类数目[37]。对于Y类中的某个数据对象
PM2.5的观测值存在时间差异性,而且由于不同城市监测环境和设备条件、自然社会环境、PM2.5浓度分布不同,城市观测值的空间分布具有较大差异性。本研究基于Kalman滤波进行观测数据的最佳估计,为了评估Kalman滤波最佳估计与观测值的优劣,本研究选取北京、上海、广州、南京的24 h的PM2.5浓度分析发现(表1),滤波后数据PSNR明显提高,信号失真度明显降低。因此,采用Kalman滤波对数据进行滤波处理能有效地去除噪声,更好地反映数据真实分布。
表1 Kalman滤波前后PSNR值对比表
Tab.1 PSNR value before and after Kalman filtering
地区 | 滤波前 | 滤波后 |
北京 | 12.8132 | 21.0545 |
上海 | 9.7523 | 14.9660 |
广州 | 13.2474 | 19.1636 |
南京 | 17.9053 | 27.0554 |
4.1.1 时间分布分析
2015年1-12月中国PM2.5平均浓度为49 μg/m3,按照中国环境空气质量(GB 3095-2012)PM2.5浓度年、日均限值为15 μg/m3和35 μg/m3的标准,中国超过一半(51.95%)的城市空气质量不达标,而且PM2.5浓度呈现明显的“冬高夏低”分布模式(图4(a))。研究发现[11,38],原因主要是冬季土壤干燥,地表植被覆盖少,地面扬尘容易进入空气中,且冬季中国北部大范围地区供暖燃烧产生大量污染性气体[39],因此冬季PM2.5浓度最高,达到了71.02 μg/m3。夏季降雨量最大,天气系统变化较强,PM2.5浓度最低[40],为31.02 μg/m3。春秋季由于天气系统转换,常伴随着不稳定的天气系统变化,气候扩散条件较好[41],PM2.5浓度分别为40.42 μg/m3和41.79 μg/m3。
图4 中国PM2.5季度和月度平均浓度
Fig.4 Quarterly and monthly average concentrations of PM2.5 in China
中国的PM2.5浓度月度变化曲线呈“U”形 (图4(b)),2-5月PM2.5浓度呈快速下降趋势,6-9月PM2.5浓度维持在较平稳水平,7月天气炎热,扬尘严重,因而PM2.5浓度略微上升。10-12月PM2.5呈现明显的上升趋势。1月PM2.5浓度最高,达到77.31 μg/m3,超过75 μg/m3的浓度标准。2月、3月和10-12月的PM2.5浓度在35 μg/m3和75 μg/m3之间。5月PM2.5浓度下降为34.14 μg/m3,8月浓度最低,为29.93 μg/m3,5-9月PM2.5浓度均在35 μg/m3以下。
中国的PM2.5逐小时浓度呈双峰变化(图5),双峰分布在上午10-12时和夜间21-22时,PM2.5浓度分别达到了45.78 μg/m3和44.86 μg/m3。研究发现[39],10时开始地表太阳辐射增强,人群活动频率逐渐增加,污染排放开始积累,从而导致PM2.5含量升高。另外,20时下班晚高峰和人群夜生活的影响致使夜间20-22时PM2.5含量达到峰值。而下午由于温度升高,局部地表差异较大,空气对流增强,使得颗粒物浓度有所降低,最低为34.73 μg/m3。3-6时,人类活动对空气质量的影响最弱,PM2.5含量稳定并轻微降低。
4.1.2 空间分布分析
从本文基于一维线性Kalman的PM2.5时空分布分析模型的的实验结果来看,中国PM2.5的分布呈现明显的空间异质性[42]。从PM2.5浓度年均值来看,中国PM2.5浓度分布呈现以“新疆-华北平原”为中心的双核分布特征,这与王振波的结论[11]基本符合。如图6所示,作为双核分布的核心,新疆喀什地区以及华北平原的河北南部、山东西部、河南北部和山西东南部PM2.5浓度高达70~80 μg/m3,并向四周扩散衰减。研究表明,河北、河南、山东等区域的常年PM2.5高浓度分布主要来源于人为污染,重工企业高源排放产生大量大气污染物[43],加之地形和气象要素的影响[39],形成相互输送的重污染区[44]。核中心附近的新疆大部、辽宁、湖北、山西、安徽、江苏PM2.5浓度达到了50~60 μg/m3,吉林、陕西、宁夏、四川、重庆、湖南、浙江等地PM2.5年均浓度为40~50 μg/m3,青海、甘肃北部、内蒙古北部、黑龙江北部及广西、广东、江西等地区PM2.5年均浓度维持在30~40 μg/m3,西藏、云南、海南、珠江三角洲地区、福建、空气质量良好,年均浓度为20~30 μg/m3,低于GB 3095-2012年均限值35 μg/m3。西藏、云南人口稀疏,开发强度不大,且植被覆盖度高,因此PM2.5含量很低,空气质量高。海南、福建为沿海省份,由于空气强对流和海水的吸收作用,可吸入颗粒物含量极低。
图6 2015年中国PM2.5平均浓度空间分布图
Fig.6 Spatial distribution of average PM2.5 concentration in China in 2015
图7表现了中国PM2.5空间分布的月度变化特征。1月,中国超过50%的地区PM2.5浓度超过 75 μg/m3,尤其是华北平原和湖北,其月均PM2.5浓度超过了100 μg/m3,部分城市超过120 μg/m3。2月全国PM2.5浓度有所下降,但以湖北和华北平原为中心的地区空气中颗粒物月均浓度依旧在75 μg/m3以上。3-9月中国大部分地区空气质量较良好,而从4月开始新疆西北部的喀什地区出现较严重的颗粒物污染现象,且其浓度超过了125 μg/m3。薛江丽等[44]研究发现新疆在春季沙尘暴期间(3-5月)PM2.5浓度明显上升,而且春季天气交替造成沙尘天气频繁,因此春季新疆PM2.5浓度较高。10月开始,华北平原和新疆地区空气状况开始变差。11月,以吉林、辽宁为中心的东北地区空气中颗粒物含量急剧上升,超过了100 μg/m3。12月,重度污染区开始南移,甘肃以东、长江以北的地区几乎都受重度污染影响,而西北的新疆地区也维持较高的PM2.5浓度。
图7 中国2015年1-12月PM2.5浓度空间分布图
Fig.7 Spatial distribution of PM2.5 concentration in China in 2015
图8 Silhouette值随类别数目变化图
Fig.8 The variation of Silhouette values with the changes in number of categories
图9反映了采用K-Medoids进行城市聚类后, 4个类别的聚类中心。从图9可以明显地看出,第 1类城市的月度PM2.5浓度变化最大,且平均浓度最高,污染最严重,PM2.5浓度除了在3月和5月存在小型的上升趋势,其一年的变化趋势基本符合“U”型分布。第2类城市的PM2.5平均浓度低于第1类,且月度变化不大,均处于15~50 μg/m3之间。第3类和第4类分布规律近似,且平均浓度最低,但第4类在1-8月浓度均低于第3类,而进入10月之后PM2.5浓度反而高于第3类。
图11 基于K-Medoids的城市PM2.5浓度聚类结果图
Fig.11 Clustering results of PM2.5 concentrations of cities based on K-Medoids
从时间维度分析,中国PM2.5浓度呈现出春夏低、秋冬高的变化模式,冬季远远高于夏季,部分地区浓度超过200 μg/m3;日均PM2.5浓度呈现以10-12时和21-22时为峰值的“W”形分布。从空间维度分析,中国超过半数地区的PM2.5浓度超过国家标准(年度平均浓度不超过35 μg/m3),且严重超标的地区主要分布在以华北、江淮平原和塔里木盆地为核心的地区,PM2.5浓度以这些核心区域为中心向四周减弱分布,青藏高原、云贵、广西、广东、福建以及内蒙古东北部等地区的空气质量相对良好。
The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
[1] |
基于MODIS数据的PM2.5反演在大气污染监测中的应用 [J].https://doi.org/10.16251/j.cnki.1009-2307.2016.09.010 URL [本文引用: 1] 摘要
针对基于传统10 km气溶胶光学厚度产品计算PM2.5无法获得更为精细的PM2.5空间分布特征的问题,提出采用6S模型计算获得不同气溶胶光学厚度条件下辐射传输模型方程参数查找表,该查找表可以采用原始光谱波段信息进行数据反演,并结合暗像元法计算得到的地表反射率信息,在辐射传输模型方程计算结果的基础上进行线性插值获得1 km气溶胶光学厚度,再利用地面实测PM2.5浓度数据,通过回归分析的方法,获得1 km的PM2.5监测数据.以西安市为例,1 km分辨率的PM2.5更进一步表现了西安市域内PM2.5的空间分布特征,具有明显的地形分异特征,而且呈现出从城区向郊区逐渐衰减的趋势.研究结果为小区域的PM2.5来源和变化分析提供了一种有效的技术途径.
Application of high spatial resolution PM2.5 retrieval in air pollution monitor [J].https://doi.org/10.16251/j.cnki.1009-2307.2016.09.010 URL [本文引用: 1] 摘要
针对基于传统10 km气溶胶光学厚度产品计算PM2.5无法获得更为精细的PM2.5空间分布特征的问题,提出采用6S模型计算获得不同气溶胶光学厚度条件下辐射传输模型方程参数查找表,该查找表可以采用原始光谱波段信息进行数据反演,并结合暗像元法计算得到的地表反射率信息,在辐射传输模型方程计算结果的基础上进行线性插值获得1 km气溶胶光学厚度,再利用地面实测PM2.5浓度数据,通过回归分析的方法,获得1 km的PM2.5监测数据.以西安市为例,1 km分辨率的PM2.5更进一步表现了西安市域内PM2.5的空间分布特征,具有明显的地形分异特征,而且呈现出从城区向郊区逐渐衰减的趋势.研究结果为小区域的PM2.5来源和变化分析提供了一种有效的技术途径.
[2] |
Lung cancer, cardiopulmonary mortality, and long-term exposure to fine particulate air pollution [J].https://doi.org/10.1001/jama.287.9.1132. URL PMID: 11879110 [本文引用: 1] 摘要
Associations have been found between day-to-day particulate air pollution and increased risk of various adverse health outcomes, including cardiopulmonary mortality. However, studies of health effects of long-term particulate air pollution have been less conclusive.To assess the relationship between long-term exposure to fine particulate air pollution and all-cause, lung cancer, and cardiopulmonary mortality.Vital status and cause of death data were collected by the American Cancer Society as part of the Cancer Prevention II study, an ongoing prospective mortality study, which enrolled approximately 1.2 million adults in 1982. Participants completed a questionnaire detailing individual risk factor data (age, sex, race, weight, height, smoking history, education, marital status, diet, alcohol consumption, and occupational exposures). The risk factor data for approximately 500 000 adults were linked with air pollution data for metropolitan areas throughout the United States and combined with vital status and cause of death data through December 31, 1998.All-cause, lung cancer, and cardiopulmonary mortality.Fine particulate and sulfur oxide--related pollution were associated with all-cause, lung cancer, and cardiopulmonary mortality. Each 10-microg/m(3) elevation in fine particulate air pollution was associated with approximately a 4%, 6%, and 8% increased risk of all-cause, cardiopulmonary, and lung cancer mortality, respectively. Measures of coarse particle fraction and total suspended particles were not consistently associated with mortality.Long-term exposure to combustion-related fine particulate air pollution is an important environmental risk factor for cardiopulmonary and lung cancer mortality.
[3] |
Health effects of particles in ambient air [J].https://doi.org/10.1078/1438-4639-00306 URL PMID: 15471105 摘要
ABSTRACT A summary of a critical review by a working group of the German commission on Air Pollution Prevention of VDI and DIN of the actual data on exposure and health effects (excluding cancer) of fine particulate air pollution is presented. EXPOSURE: Typical ambient particle concentrations for PM10 (PM2.5) in Germany are in the range of 10-45 (10-30) microg/m3 as annual mean and 50-200 (40-150) microg/m3 as maximum daily mean. The ratio of PM2.5/PM10 generally amounts between 0.7 and 0.9. HEALTH EFFECTS: During the past 10 years many new epidemiological and toxicological studies on health effects of particulate matter (PM) have been published. In summary, long-term exposure against PM for years or decades is associated with elevated total, cardiovascular, and infant mortality. With respect to morbidity, respiratory symptoms, lung growth, and function of the immune system are affected. Short-term studies show consistant associations of exposure to daily concentrations of PM with mortality and morbidity on the same day or the subsequent days. Patients with asthma, COPD, pneumonia, and other respiratory diseases as well as patients with cardio-vascular diseases and diabetes are especially affected. The strongest associations are found for PM2.5 followed by PM10, with no indication of a threshold value for the health effects. The data base for ultra fine particles is too small for final conclusions. The available toxicological data support the epidemiological findings and give hints as to the mechanisms of the effects. CONCLUSION: The working group concludes that a further reduction of the limit values proposed for 2005 will substantially reduce health risks due to particulate air pollution. Because of the strong correlation of PM10 with PM2.5 at most German sites there is no specific need for limit values of PM2.5 for Germany in addition to those of PM10.
[4] |
Potential toxicological and cardiopulmonary effects of PM2.5 exposure and related mortality: Findings of recent studies published during 2003-2013 [J].https://doi.org/10.3967/bes2016.007 URL PMID: 26822514 [本文引用: 1] 摘要
正INTRODUCTION Air pollution has become a serious environmental issue owing to its diverse harmful effects on the physical and biological environment.According to the Environmental Protection Agency(EPA)and the World Health Organization(WHO)[1-2],air pollution affects millions of people worldwide.Hundreds of thousands of deaths each year and a range of diseases,
[5] |
Estimating regional spatial and temporal variability of PM2.5 concentrations using satellite data, meteorology, and land use information [J].https://doi.org/10.1289/ehp.0800123 URL PMID: 19590678 [本文引用: 1] 摘要
Studies of chronic health effects due to exposures to particulate matter with aerodynamic diameters
[6] |
A novel calibration approach of MODIS AOD data to predict PM2.5 concentrations [J].https://doi.org/10.5194/acp-11-7991-2011 URL 摘要
Epidemiological studies investigating the human health effects of PM2.5 are susceptible to exposure measurement errors, a form of bias in exposure estimates, since they rely on data from a limited number of PM2.5 monitors within their study area. Satellite data can be used to expand spatial coverage, potentially enhancing our ability to estimate location- or subject-specific exposures to PM2.5, but some have reported poor predictive power. A new methodology was developed to calibrate aerosol optical depth (AOD) data obtained from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS). Subsequently, this method was used to predict ground daily PM2.5 concentrations in the New England region. 2003 MODIS AOD data corresponding to the New England region were retrieved, and PM2.5 concentrations measured at 26 US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) PM2.5 monitoring sites were used to calibrate the AOD data. A mixed effects model which allows day-to-day variability in daily PM2.5-AOD relationships was used to predict location-specific PM2.5 levels. PM2.5 concentrations measured at the monitoring sites were compared to those predicted for the corresponding grid cells. Both cross-sectional and longitudinal comparisons between the observed and predicted concentrations suggested that the proposed new calibration approach renders MODIS AOD data a potentially useful predictor of PM2.5 concentrations. Furthermore, the estimated PM2.5 levels within the study domain were examined in relation to air pollution sources. Our approach made it possible to investigate the spatial patterns of PM2.5 concentrations within the study domain.
[7] |
Estimating ground-level PM2.5 using aerosol optical depth determined from satellite remote sensing [J].https://doi.org/10.1029/2005JD006996 URL 摘要
We assess the relationship of ground-level fine particulate matter (PM) concentrations for 2000-2001 measured as part of the Canadian National Air Pollution Surveillance (NAPS) network and the U.S. Air Quality System (AQS), versus remote-sensed PMdetermined from aerosol optical depths (AOD) measured by the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) and the Multiangle Imaging Spectroradiometer (MISR) satellite instruments. A global chemical transport model (GEOS-CHEM) is used to simulate the factors affecting the relation between AOD and PM. AERONET AOD is used to evaluate the method (r = 0.71, N = 48, slope = 0.69). We find significant spatial variation of the annual mean ground-based measurements with PMdetermined from MODIS (r = 0.69, N = 199, slope = 0.82) and MISR (r = 0.58, N = 199, slope = 0.57). Excluding California significantly increases the respective slopes and correlations. The relative vertical profile of aerosol extinction is the most important factor affecting the spatial relationship between satellite and surface measurements of PM; neglecting this parameter would reduce the spatial correlation to 0.36. In contrast, temporal variation in AOD is the most influential parameter affecting the temporal relationship between satellite and surface measurements of PM; neglecting daily variation in this parameter would decrease the correlation in eastern North America from 0.5-0.8 to less than 0.2. Other simulated aerosol properties, such as effective radius and extinction efficiency have a minor role temporally, but do influence the spatial correlation. Global mapping of PMfrom both MODIS and MISR reveals annual mean concentrations of 40-50 ug/mover northern India and China.
[8] |
Satellite-based spatiotemporal trends in PM2.5 concentrations: China, 2004-2013 [J]. |
[9] |
Limitations of Remotelysensed Aerosol as a Spatial Proxy for Fine Particulate Matter [R]. |
[10] |
基于大数据的空气质量数据可视化 [J].https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1000-8772.2015.03.174 URL [本文引用: 1] 摘要
Air quality data visualization based on big data [J].https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1000-8772.2015.03.174 URL [本文引用: 1] 摘要
[11] |
2014年中国城市PM_(2.5)浓度的时空变化规律 [J].https://doi.org/10.11821/dlxb201511003 URL [本文引用: 3] 摘要
大气霾污染因其对人体健康、生态环境和气候变化的影响而成为全球关注的严重环境问题,PM2.5是中国霾污染频繁的主要原因.过去对国家尺度上PM2.5时空分布的认识主要基于卫星观测,因其反演方法的局限性,卫星资料难以真实反映近地面PM25浓度的时空变化规律.本文基于中国2014年190个城市中的945个监测站的PM2.5浓度观测数据,采用空间数据统计模型,揭示了中国PM25的时空格局.结果显示,2014年中国城市PM25平均浓度61 gg/m3,具有显著的冬秋高、春夏低的"U"型逐月变化规律和周期性U-脉冲型逐日变化规律;中国城市PM2.5浓度呈现显著的空间分异与集聚规律,以及两次南北进退的空间循环周期;胡焕庸线和长江是中国PM25浓度高值区和低值区的东西和南北分界线,胡焕庸线以东和长江以北的环渤海城市群、中原城市群、长三角城市群、长江中游城市群和哈长城市群等地区是2014年PM25的高污染城市聚集地,京津冀城市群是全年污染核心区;以珠三角为核心的东南沿海地区是稳定的空气质量优良区.
Spatial-temporal characteristics of the PM2.5 in China in 2014 [J].https://doi.org/10.11821/dlxb201511003 URL [本文引用: 3] 摘要
大气霾污染因其对人体健康、生态环境和气候变化的影响而成为全球关注的严重环境问题,PM2.5是中国霾污染频繁的主要原因.过去对国家尺度上PM2.5时空分布的认识主要基于卫星观测,因其反演方法的局限性,卫星资料难以真实反映近地面PM25浓度的时空变化规律.本文基于中国2014年190个城市中的945个监测站的PM2.5浓度观测数据,采用空间数据统计模型,揭示了中国PM25的时空格局.结果显示,2014年中国城市PM25平均浓度61 gg/m3,具有显著的冬秋高、春夏低的"U"型逐月变化规律和周期性U-脉冲型逐日变化规律;中国城市PM2.5浓度呈现显著的空间分异与集聚规律,以及两次南北进退的空间循环周期;胡焕庸线和长江是中国PM25浓度高值区和低值区的东西和南北分界线,胡焕庸线以东和长江以北的环渤海城市群、中原城市群、长三角城市群、长江中游城市群和哈长城市群等地区是2014年PM25的高污染城市聚集地,京津冀城市群是全年污染核心区;以珠三角为核心的东南沿海地区是稳定的空气质量优良区.
[12] |
中国重度雾霾时空分布特征及影响因子分析[D] .Time and space distribution characteristics of the severe fog and haze of China and the influence factor analysis[D]. |
[13] |
PM2.5自动监测仪器第一阶段测试报告和技术指标要求[R] .PM2.5 automatic monitoring instrument in the first stage test report and technical index requirements[R]. |
[14] |
PM2.5监测技术及其比对测试研究进展 [J].https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1674-5795.2013.04.002 URL [本文引用: 1] 摘要
Advances in monitoring technologies and its comparison research for PM2.5 [J].https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1674-5795.2013.04.002 URL [本文引用: 1] 摘要
[15] |
A new approach to linear filtering and prediction problems [J]. |
[16] |
New results in linear filtering and prediction theory [J]. |
[17] |
基于kalman滤波的近实时电离层TEC监测与反演[D] .Near real-time monitoring and inverting TEC of ionosphere based on kalman filter [D]. |
[18] |
Kalman滤波理论及其在通信与信号处理中的应用[D] .Kalman filtering with its application to communication and signal processing[D]. |
[19] |
Clustering by means of medoids [M]. |
[20] |
Finding groups in data: An introduction to cluster analysis [M]. |
[21] |
Efficient similarity search in sequence databases [M]. |
[22] |
Efficient time series matching by wavelets [Z]. |
[23] |
A multiresolution symbolic representation of time series[Z]. |
[24] |
Landmarks: A new model for similarity-based pattern querying in time series databases[Z].
[25] |
A fast and robust method for pattern matching in time series databases [J].https://doi.org/10.1109/TAI.1997.632306 URL [本文引用: 1] 摘要
Abstract: The problem of finding patterns of interest in time series databases (query by content) is an important one, with applications in virtually every field of science. A variety of approaches have been suggested. These approaches are robust to noise, offset translation, and amplitude scaling to varying degrees. However, they are all extremely sensitive to scaling in the time axis (longitudinal scaling). We present a method for similarity search that is robust to scaling in the time axis, in addition to noise, offset translation, and amplitude scaling. The method has been tested on medical, financial, space telemetry and artificial data. Furthermore the method is exceptionally fast, with the predicted 2 to 4 orders of magnitude speedup actually observed. The method uses a piecewise linear representation of the original data. We also introduce a new algorithm which both decides the optimal number of linear segments to use, and produces the actual linear representation.
[26] |
A review on time series data mining [J].https://doi.org/10.1016/j.engappai.2010.09.007 URL [本文引用: 1] 摘要
Time series is an important class of temporal data objects and it can be easily obtained from scientific and financial applications. A time series is a collection of observations made chronologically. The nature of time series data includes: large in data size, high dimensionality and necessary to update continuously. Moreover time series data, which is characterized by its numerical and continuous nature, is always considered as a whole instead of individual numerical field. The increasing use of time series data has initiated a great deal of research and development attempts in the field of data mining. The abundant research on time series data mining in the last decade could hamper the entry of interested researchers, due to its complexity. In this paper, a comprehensive revision on the existing time series data mining research is given. They are generally categorized into representation and indexing, similarity measure, segmentation, visualization and mining. Moreover state-of-the-art research issues are also highlighted. The primary objective of this paper is to serve as a glossary for interested researchers to have an overall picture on the current time series data mining development and identify their potential research direction to further investigation.
[27] |
Using dynamic time warping to find patterns in Time Series [Z]. |
[28] |
Clustering of time series data-a survey [J].https://doi.org/10.1016/j.patcog.2005.01.025 URL [本文引用: 2] 摘要
ABSTRACT Time series clustering has been shown effective in providing useful information in various domains. There seems to be an increased interest in time series clustering as part of the effort in temporal data mining research. To provide an overview, this paper surveys and summarizes previous works that investigated the clustering of time series data in various application domains. The basics of time series clustering are presented, including general-purpose clustering algorithms commonly used in time series clustering studies, the criteria for evaluating the performance of the clustering results, and the measures to determine the similarity/dissimilarity between two time series being compared, either in the forms of raw data, extracted features, or some model parameters. The past researchs are organized into three groups depending upon whether they work directly with the raw data either in the time or frequency domain, indirectly with features extracted from the raw data, or indirectly with models built from the raw data. The uniqueness and limitation of previous research are discussed and several possible topics for future research are identified. Moreover, the areas that time series clustering have been applied to are also summarized, including the sources of data used. It is hoped that this review will serve as the steppingstone for those interested in advancing this area of research.
[29] |
大气污染物扩散模式的应用研究综述 [J].https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1001-3865.2007.05.015 URL [本文引用: 1] 摘要
A review of the development and application of air pollutant dispersion models [J].https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1001-3865.2007.05.015 URL [本文引用: 1] 摘要
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A novel clustering method on time series data [J].https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eswa.2011.03.081 URL [本文引用: 1] 摘要
Time series is a very popular type of data which exists in many domains. Clustering time series data has a wide range of applications and has attracted researchers from a wide range of discipline. In this paper a novel algorithm for shape based time series clustering is proposed. It can reduce the size of data, improve the efficiency and not reduce the effects by using the principle of complex network. Firstly, one-nearest neighbor network is built based on the similarity of time series objects. In this step, triangle distance is used to measure the similarity. Of the neighbor network each node represents one time series object and each link denotes neighbor relationship between nodes. Secondly, the nodes with high degrees are chosen and used to cluster. In clustering process, dynamic time warping distance function and hierarchical clustering algorithm are applied. Thirdly, some experiments are executed on synthetic and real data. The results show that the proposed algorithm has good performance on efficiency and effectiveness.
[31] |
基于优化的DTW算法的人体运动数据检索 [J].https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1003-6059.2012.02.025 URL [本文引用: 1] 摘要
Human motion data retrieval based on dynamic time warping optimization algorithm [J].https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1003-6059.2012.02.025 URL [本文引用: 1] 摘要
[32] |
Clustering by passing messages between data points [J]. |
[33] |
Affinity propagation: Clustering data by passing messages[D]. |
[34] |
AP算法在图像聚类中的应用研究 [J].
文章提出采用分块加权颜色直方图作为图像特征,将Affinity Propagation(AP)聚类算法应用到图像聚类中,并将该算法加以实现,进行算法性能研究,实验结果表明AP聚类算法应用于图像聚类能够取得较好的效果。
Research on application of algorithm AP in images clustering [J].
文章提出采用分块加权颜色直方图作为图像特征,将Affinity Propagation(AP)聚类算法应用到图像聚类中,并将该算法加以实现,进行算法性能研究,实验结果表明AP聚类算法应用于图像聚类能够取得较好的效果。
[35] |
Silhouettes: A graphical aid to the interpretation and validation of cluster analysis [J].https://doi.org/10.1016/0377-0427(87)90125-7 URL [本文引用: 1] 摘要
ABSTRACT A new graphical display is proposed for partitioning techniques. Each cluster is represented by a so-called silhouette, which is based on the comparison of its tightness and separation. This silhouette shows which objects lie well within their cluster, and which ones are merely somewhere in between clusters. The entire clustering is displayed by combining the silhouettes into a single plot, allowing an appreciation of the relative quality of the clusters and an overview of the data configuration. The average silhouette width provides an evaluation of clustering validity, and might be used to select an ‘appropriate’ number of clusters.
[36] |
Recovering the number of clusters in data sets with noise features using feature rescaling factors [J].https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ins.2015.06.039 URL [本文引用: 1] 摘要
In this paper we introduce three methods for re-scaling data sets aiming at improving the likelihood of clustering validity indexes to return the true number of spherical Gaussian clusters with additional noise features. Our method obtains feature re-scaling factors taking into account the structure of a given data set and the intuitive idea that different features may have different degrees of relevance at different clusters. We experiment with the Silhouette (using squared Euclidean, Manhattan, and the p$^{th}$ power of the Minkowski distance), Dunn's, Calinski-Harabasz and Hartigan indexes on data sets with spherical Gaussian clusters with and without noise features. We conclude that our methods indeed increase the chances of estimating the true number of clusters in a data set.
[37] |
Selecting variables for k-means cluster analysis by using a genetic algorithm that optimises the silhouettes [J]. |
[38] |
北京地区冬春PM2.5和PM10污染水平时空分布及其与气象条件的关系 [J].
北京2012~2013年的冬春多次出现雾霾天气,可吸入颗粒物(PM10)污染严重.而PM2.5作为PM10中粒径较小的部分,在PM10中所占比重越高,污染越严重.因此,本研究选取了能够覆盖北京所有区县的30个PM2.5和PM10的质量浓度监测点,对该地区的PM2.5和PM10污染特征进行分析,确定其空间差异特征和时间性变化特征.普通克里格插值(Original Kriging)法得到的北京地区冬、春季颗粒物浓度分布图显示,颗粒物浓度从北部山区到南部地区逐渐递增,在中心城区处,西部高于东部,且局部地区存在一定的城乡差异.颗粒物浓度月变化曲线呈单峰单谷型,1月最高,4月最低;逐日变化反映了PM2.5和PM10浓度具有较好的相关性,且受气象条件影响显著;日变化呈双峰趋势.本文选取日平均气温(℃)、相对湿度(%)、风速(风级)、降水量(mm)等气象因子,利用Spearman秩相关分析研究各个气象因子对大气PM2.5和PM10浓度的影响.北京冬季PM2.5和PM10的质量浓度分别与气温、相对湿度正相关,与风速负相关,风速和相对湿度是影响污染物质量浓度分布的主要因素.
Temporal and spatial distribution of PM2.5 and PM10 pollution status and the correlation of particulate matters and meteorological factors during winter and spring in Beijing [J].
北京2012~2013年的冬春多次出现雾霾天气,可吸入颗粒物(PM10)污染严重.而PM2.5作为PM10中粒径较小的部分,在PM10中所占比重越高,污染越严重.因此,本研究选取了能够覆盖北京所有区县的30个PM2.5和PM10的质量浓度监测点,对该地区的PM2.5和PM10污染特征进行分析,确定其空间差异特征和时间性变化特征.普通克里格插值(Original Kriging)法得到的北京地区冬、春季颗粒物浓度分布图显示,颗粒物浓度从北部山区到南部地区逐渐递增,在中心城区处,西部高于东部,且局部地区存在一定的城乡差异.颗粒物浓度月变化曲线呈单峰单谷型,1月最高,4月最低;逐日变化反映了PM2.5和PM10浓度具有较好的相关性,且受气象条件影响显著;日变化呈双峰趋势.本文选取日平均气温(℃)、相对湿度(%)、风速(风级)、降水量(mm)等气象因子,利用Spearman秩相关分析研究各个气象因子对大气PM2.5和PM10浓度的影响.北京冬季PM2.5和PM10的质量浓度分别与气温、相对湿度正相关,与风速负相关,风速和相对湿度是影响污染物质量浓度分布的主要因素.
[39] |
2014年华北地区PM2.5数值模拟研究: 2015年中国环境科学学会学术年会[Z] .Numerical simulation research of PM2.5 in north China in 2014[Z]. |
[40] |
2013年1月大气环流和天气分析 [J].https://doi.org/10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.2013.04.017 URL [本文引用: 1] 摘要
2013年1月大气环流特征为:北半球极涡呈偶极型,极涡范围及 强度较常年偏弱,中高纬环流呈三波型,欧亚大陆槽位于西西伯利亚,位置偏北,引导多股冷空气影响我国北方,月内中高纬环流形势调整较大,上旬以经向型环流 为主,中下旬则转为纬向型环流;西太平洋副热带高压接近常年同期,东亚大槽位于西北太平洋西岸,较常年偏强,南支槽位于90°E附近,较常年略偏 弱.2013年1月,全国平均气温为-5.2℃,略低于常年同期(-5.0℃).月内气温阶段性调整明显,上旬,较同期偏低3℃,下旬,较同期偏高 1.7℃.全国平均降水量为6.5 mm,较常年同期(13.2 mm)偏少50.8%.月内出现一次强冷空气过程,雾霾天气频繁,共出现3次较大范围雾霾过程.南方部分地区遭受低温雨雪冰冻灾害,北方局地遭受雪灾,云 南大部、贵州西部及四川南部等地气象干旱持续.
Analysis of January 2013 atmosphere circulation and weather [J].https://doi.org/10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.2013.04.017 URL [本文引用: 1] 摘要
2013年1月大气环流特征为:北半球极涡呈偶极型,极涡范围及 强度较常年偏弱,中高纬环流呈三波型,欧亚大陆槽位于西西伯利亚,位置偏北,引导多股冷空气影响我国北方,月内中高纬环流形势调整较大,上旬以经向型环流 为主,中下旬则转为纬向型环流;西太平洋副热带高压接近常年同期,东亚大槽位于西北太平洋西岸,较常年偏强,南支槽位于90°E附近,较常年略偏 弱.2013年1月,全国平均气温为-5.2℃,略低于常年同期(-5.0℃).月内气温阶段性调整明显,上旬,较同期偏低3℃,下旬,较同期偏高 1.7℃.全国平均降水量为6.5 mm,较常年同期(13.2 mm)偏少50.8%.月内出现一次强冷空气过程,雾霾天气频繁,共出现3次较大范围雾霾过程.南方部分地区遭受低温雨雪冰冻灾害,北方局地遭受雪灾,云 南大部、贵州西部及四川南部等地气象干旱持续.
[41] |
Characteristics of PM2.5 speciation in representative megacities and across China [J].https://doi.org/10.5194/acpd-11-1025-2011 URL [本文引用: 1] 摘要
Based on PM2.5 chemical data sets from literature and from our surface observations, chemical species and reconstructed speciation of PM2.5 in representative Chinese megacities and across China were compared to draw insights into the characteristics of PM2.5 speciation. PM2.5 mass concentrations and speciation compositions varied substantially over geographical regions in China. Near six-fold variations in average PM2.5 concentrations (34.0–193.4 μg m 3) across China were found with high PM2.5 levels (>100 μg m 3) appearing in the cities in the northern and western regions and low levels (<40 μg m 3) in the remote forest area (Changbai Mountain) and in Hong Kong. The percentages of the sum of sulfate, nitrate and ammonium, organic matter, crustal material, and elemental carbon in PM2.5 mass ranged 7.1–57 %, 17.7–53 %, 7.1–43 %, and 1.3–12.8 %, respectively. At both urban and rural sites in the eastern region, the sum of sulfate, nitrate and ammonia typically constituted much higher fractions (40–57 %) of PM2.5 mass, indicative of more local formation/production and regional transport of the secondary aerosols, thus more intensive characteristic of "complex atmospheric pollution" compared to the western region. Organic matter had significant contribution to PM2.5 over all the sites. Organic matter plus sulfate, nitrate, and ammonia accounted for 53–90 % of PM2.5 mass across China. PM2.5 speciation across China was also characterized by high content of crustal material, which was usually at more than ~10 μg m 3 level or shared ~10 % of PM2.5 mass in urban areas, due to transported desert dust and locally induced dust. In four representative megacities (i.e. Beijing, Chongqing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou), PM2.5 mass and major components (except sulfate) were at higher levels than those in US continental east by one order of magnitude. Distinct differences in nitrate and sulfate levels and their mass ratio [NO3 ]/[SO42 ] imply that mobile sources are likely more important in Guangzhou, whereas in Chongqing it is stationary (coal combustion) sources. The observed intra-city variations in PM2.5 mass and speciation indicate that both local emissions and regional transportation contributed significantly to high fine particle loadings in Beijing, while local contribution likely played a predominant role in Chongqing. During the ten-year period from 1999 through 2008 in urban Beijing, both the sum of sulfate, nitrate, and ammonia and [NO3 ]/[SO42 ] ratio exhibited steadily increasing trends, implying that the characteristic of "complex atmospheric pollution" and the contribution from mobile sources were being enhanced.
[42] |
中国PM2.5来源解析方法综述 [J].https://doi.org/10.13209/j.0479-8023.2014.068 URL [本文引用: 1] 摘要
Review of PM2.5 source apportionment methods in China [J].https://doi.org/10.13209/j.0479-8023.2014.068 URL [本文引用: 1] 摘要
[43] |
年京津冀地区PM2.5浓度时空分布及来源模拟 [J].Spatial and temporal distrubions and source simulation of PM2.5 in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region in 2014 [J]. |
[44] |
新疆春季两次沙尘暴过程中大气PM2.5元素组成特征分析 [J].
目的 研究新疆沙尘天气发生频次最高的中心区和田市和沙尘天气发生频次较低的地区库尔勒市大气PM2.5表面和整体元素组成特征.方法 于2008年4-5月对和田、库尔勒市的大气PM2.5进行同时段采样,分别用X射线光电子能谱(XPS)分析两城市大气PM2.5表面元素组成及价态特 征,用X-射线荧光法(XRF)分析两城市大气PM2.5整体各元素的质量分数.结果 和田大气PM2.5整体5种元素(Si、Al、Na、Ca、Mg)的质量分数超过1%,库尔勒大气PM2.5整体3种元素(Si、Al、Na)的质量分数 超过1%,两城市大气PM2.5整体元素质量分数的差异均没有统计学意义;库尔勒市大气PM2.5表面Zn、S的质量分数较高,和田市大气PM2.5表面 K、Al、Mg的质量分数较高,其差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).在两城市大气PM2.5整体和表面都检测到的元素中,元素Fe、Mg、K在 PM2.5表面发生了富集.沙尘天气发生时,大气PM2.5整体元素,除Si外,其他元素的质量分数均升高;大气PM2.5表面元素Na、Ca、K、 Al、Mg、Fe的质量分数升高,脂肪族碳、和氮结合的碳、羰基碳、铵盐、硫酸盐、Cl的质量分数降低.结论 和田大气PM2.5整体主要由5种元素(Si、Al、Na、Ca、Mg)组成,库尔勒大气PM2.5整体主要由3种元素(Si、Al、Na)组成.两城市 大气PM2.5表面的主要元素相同,均为O、C、N、Si、Al、Mg.沙尘天气多发区和田市大气PM2.5整体和表面的自然源的元素质量分数较高;沙尘 天气发生频次较低的库尔勒大气PM2.5整体和表面来自污染源的元素质量分数较高.沙尘天气时,大气PM2.5整体和表面的自然源元素质量分数升高;大气 PM2.5表面污染元素(脂肪族碳、和氮结合的碳、羰基碳、铵盐、S、Cl)质量分数降低.
Characteristics of elemental compositions of ambient PM2.5 during sandstorm in spring in Xinjiang [J].
目的 研究新疆沙尘天气发生频次最高的中心区和田市和沙尘天气发生频次较低的地区库尔勒市大气PM2.5表面和整体元素组成特征.方法 于2008年4-5月对和田、库尔勒市的大气PM2.5进行同时段采样,分别用X射线光电子能谱(XPS)分析两城市大气PM2.5表面元素组成及价态特 征,用X-射线荧光法(XRF)分析两城市大气PM2.5整体各元素的质量分数.结果 和田大气PM2.5整体5种元素(Si、Al、Na、Ca、Mg)的质量分数超过1%,库尔勒大气PM2.5整体3种元素(Si、Al、Na)的质量分数 超过1%,两城市大气PM2.5整体元素质量分数的差异均没有统计学意义;库尔勒市大气PM2.5表面Zn、S的质量分数较高,和田市大气PM2.5表面 K、Al、Mg的质量分数较高,其差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).在两城市大气PM2.5整体和表面都检测到的元素中,元素Fe、Mg、K在 PM2.5表面发生了富集.沙尘天气发生时,大气PM2.5整体元素,除Si外,其他元素的质量分数均升高;大气PM2.5表面元素Na、Ca、K、 Al、Mg、Fe的质量分数升高,脂肪族碳、和氮结合的碳、羰基碳、铵盐、硫酸盐、Cl的质量分数降低.结论 和田大气PM2.5整体主要由5种元素(Si、Al、Na、Ca、Mg)组成,库尔勒大气PM2.5整体主要由3种元素(Si、Al、Na)组成.两城市 大气PM2.5表面的主要元素相同,均为O、C、N、Si、Al、Mg.沙尘天气多发区和田市大气PM2.5整体和表面的自然源的元素质量分数较高;沙尘 天气发生频次较低的库尔勒大气PM2.5整体和表面来自污染源的元素质量分数较高.沙尘天气时,大气PM2.5整体和表面的自然源元素质量分数升高;大气 PM2.5表面污染元素(脂肪族碳、和氮结合的碳、羰基碳、铵盐、S、Cl)质量分数降低.
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Geographical detectors-based health risk assessment and its application in the neural tube defects study of the Heshun Region, China [J].https://doi.org/10.1080/13658810802443457 URL [本文引用: 1] 摘要
Physical environment, man-made pollution, nutrition and their mutual interactions can be major causes of human diseases. These disease determinants have distinct spatial distributions across geographical units, so that their adequate study involves the investigation of the associated geographical strata. We propose four geographical detectors based on spatial variation analysis of the geographical strata to assess the environmental risks of health: the risk detector indicates where the risk areas are; the factor detector identifies factors that are responsible for the risk; the ecological detector discloses relative importance between the factors; and the interaction detector reveals whether the risk factors interact or lead to disease independently. In a real-world study, the primary physical environment (watershed, lithozone and soil) was found to strongly control the neural tube defects (NTD) occurrences in the Heshun region (China). Basic nutrition (food) was found to be more important than man-made pollution (chemical fertilizer) in the control of the spatial NTD pattern. Ancient materials released from geological faults and subsequently spread along slopes dramatically increase the NTD risk. These findings constitute valuable input to disease intervention strategies in the region of interest.
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A measure of spatial stratified heterogeneity [J].https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolind.2016.02.052 URL [本文引用: 1] 摘要
Abstract Spatial stratified heterogeneity, referring to the within-strata variance less than the between strata-variance, is ubiquitous in ecological phenomena, such as ecological zones and many ecological variables. Spatial stratified heterogeneity reflects the essence of nature, implies potential distinct mechanisms by strata, suggests possible determinants of the observed process, allows the representativeness of observations of the earth, and enforces the applicability of statistical inferences. In this paper, we propose a q-statistic method to measure the degree of spatial stratified heterogeneity and to test its significance. The q value is within [0,1] (0 if a spatial stratification of heterogeneity is not significant, and 1 if there is a perfect spatial stratification of heterogeneity). The exact probability density function is derived. The q-statistic is illustrated by two examples, wherein we assess the spatial stratified heterogeneities of a hand map and the distribution of the annual NDVI in China.
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PM2.5污染特征研究综述:2014中国环境科学学会学术年会[Z] .A review on PM2.5 pollution characteristic research[Z]. |
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河北省霾日变化及成因 [J].https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1673-503X.2014.01.008 URL [本文引用: 1] 摘要
利用1981-2010年河北省142个气象站地面观测资料,按照霾的观测和预报等级行业标准,分析河北省霾日空间分布特征,以石家庄为例对多霾日成因进行探讨。结果表明:河北省霾日主要分布在太行山东麓地区,霾日大值中心随时间范围扩大,日数呈增加趋势;典型代表站霾日随时间呈增加、减少和平稳变化3种趋势,单站变化差异明显;河北省霾日主要以能见度大于5 km轻微霾为主,代表站中度和重度霾日季节变化显著,64%以上出现在秋冬季节;霾的形成是多种因素综合作用的结果,区域霾日分布主要与地理环境有关,逆温层、风速、相对湿度、年降水日数与霾的形成有关。此外,地方经济发展和人类社会活动对大气污染物的排放起一定作用。
Change of haze day and its forming reason in Hebei province [J].https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1673-503X.2014.01.008 URL [本文引用: 1] 摘要
利用1981-2010年河北省142个气象站地面观测资料,按照霾的观测和预报等级行业标准,分析河北省霾日空间分布特征,以石家庄为例对多霾日成因进行探讨。结果表明:河北省霾日主要分布在太行山东麓地区,霾日大值中心随时间范围扩大,日数呈增加趋势;典型代表站霾日随时间呈增加、减少和平稳变化3种趋势,单站变化差异明显;河北省霾日主要以能见度大于5 km轻微霾为主,代表站中度和重度霾日季节变化显著,64%以上出现在秋冬季节;霾的形成是多种因素综合作用的结果,区域霾日分布主要与地理环境有关,逆温层、风速、相对湿度、年降水日数与霾的形成有关。此外,地方经济发展和人类社会活动对大气污染物的排放起一定作用。
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区域大气环境中PM2.5/PM10空间分布研究 [J].
Study on spatial distributions of PM2.5/PM10 in regional atmospheric environment [J].
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