唐玉芝, 邵全琴
Water Conservation Capacity of Forest Ecosystem and Its Spatial Variation in the Upper Reaches of Wujiang River
TANG Yuzhi,SHAO Quanqin
表2 研究区不同森林类型水源涵养量估算的相关参数及其文献来源 |
Tab.2 Relevant parameters adopted in the water conservation estimations of different vegetation types in the study area and their literature references |
森林类型 | 林冠层截留率/(%) | 枯落物层单位最大持水量/(t/hm2) | 土壤层非毛管孔隙度/(%) | 文献来源 | 温性针叶林 | 28.73 | 25.67 | 10.16 | [32]、[33]、[4] | 暖性针叶林 | 28.50 | 37.69 | 8.91 | [32]、[34]、[4] | 暖性针阔混交林 | 24.33 | 34.08 | 12.13 | [34]、[33]、[34] | 落叶阔叶林 | 20.19 | 32.46 | 9.15 | [34]、[33]、[34] | 常绿落叶阔叶混交林 | 22.57 | 32.66 | 15.32 | [32]、[33]、[4] | 常绿阔叶林 | 18.14 | 18.62 | 10.31 | [34]、[34]、[34] | 暖性竹林 | 18.83 | 20.69 | 11.77 | [32]、[33]、[4] | 经济林 | 29.32 | 23.8 | 8.65 | [35]、[31]、[36] | 灌丛 | 24.56 | 15.97 | 9.80 | [35]、[33]、[37] |