鍦扮悊瀛︽姤 鈥衡�� 2015, Vol. 70 鈥衡�� Issue (5): 796-808. doi: 10.11821/dlxb201505010

鈥� 鈥� 涓婁竴绡�    涓嬩竴绡�


鐜嬭姵1,2(), 寮犲皬闆�1(), 鏉ㄥ厗钀�1, 鏍剧鏄�3, 鐔婇粦閽�4, 鐜嬫槶鍥�1,2, 鏃跺崏1,2   

  1. 1. 涓浗绉戝闄㈡柊鐤嗙敓鎬佷笌鍦扮悊鐮旂┒鎵�,涔岄瞾鏈ㄩ綈 830011
    2. 涓浗绉戝闄㈠ぇ瀛�,鍖椾含 100049
    3. 涓芥按瀛﹂櫌鍟嗗闄�,涓芥按 323000
    4. 鍖椾含鑱斿悎澶у搴旂敤鏂囩悊瀛﹂櫌,鍖椾含 100083
  • 鏀剁鏃ユ湡:2014-06-30 淇洖鏃ユ湡:2015-01-10 鍑虹増鏃ユ湡:2015-05-20 鍙戝竷鏃ユ湡:2015-05-20
  • 浣滆�呯畝浠�:

    浣滆�呯畝浠嬶細鐜嬭姵(1984-), 濂�, 灞变笢鑿忔辰浜�, 鍗氬+鐮旂┒鐢�, 涓昏浠庝簨浜哄湴鍏崇郴涓庡尯鍩熷彲鎸佺画鍙戝睍鐮旂┒銆侲-mail: 13579801764@163.com

  • 鍩洪噾璧勫姪:
    鍥藉绉戞妧鏀拺璁″垝椤圭洰(2012BAH48F01);涓浗绉戝闄㈠鍥戒笓瀹剁壒鑱樼爺绌跺憳璁″垝(2013T2Z0004);鍥藉鑷劧绉戝鍩洪噾(41171165, 41301204)

Spatio-temporal characteristics of cultural sites and an analysis of their driving forces in the Ili River Valley in historical periods

Fang WANG1,2(), Xiaolei ZHANG1(), Zhaoping YANG1, Fuming LUAN3, Heigang XIONG4, Zhaoguo WANG1,2, Hui SHI1,2   

  1. 1. Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and Geography, CAS, Urumqi 830011, China
    2. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
    3. Business School, Lishui University, Lishui 323000, Zhejiang, China
    4. College of Art and Science, Beijing Union University, Beijing 100083, China
  • Received:2014-06-30 Revised:2015-01-10 Online:2015-05-20 Published:2015-05-20
  • Supported by:
    National Science and Technology Pillar Program, No.2012BAH48F01;Chinese Academy of Sciences Visiting Professorship for Senior International Scientists, No.2013T2Z0004;National Natural Science Foundation of China, No.41171165, No.41301204


杩愮敤ArcGIS杞欢瀵逛紛鐘佹渤璋锋枃鍖栭仐鍧�鏃剁┖鍒嗗竷杩涜鍒嗘瀽,鎺㈣浜嗛仐鍧�鏃剁┖婕斿彉鐗瑰緛涓庝汉鏂囧巻鍙层�佽嚜鐒剁幆澧冪殑鍏崇郴銆傜粨鏋滆〃鏄庯細鈶� 浠庡鈥旇タ鍛ㄥ埌娓呪�旇繎鐜颁唬6涓椂鏈熶腑,閬楀潃鏁伴噺鍙婂湪鎬绘暟涓殑姣旈噸銆佸嚭鐜伴鐜囧憟鍊掆�淰鈥濆瀷鍙樺寲,浠庤悓鑺介樁娈靛埌宸呭嘲闃舵,鑷宠“钀介樁娈点�傗憽 閬楀潃鐨勭┖闂村垎甯冩牸灞�鐢卞墠3涓椂鏈熺殑鈥滀笢楂樿タ浣庘�濊浆鍙樹负鍚�3涓椂鏈熺殑鈥滆タ楂樹笢浣庘��,浜虹被娲诲姩绌洪棿閲嶅績鍙戠敓浜嗚浆绉汇�傗憿 閬楀潃涓昏鍒嗗竷鍦�1~5绾у潯搴︿笂,鍏舵瘮閲嶇敱鏄ョ鈥旂Е鏃舵湡鐨�75%澧炶嚦娓呪�旇繎鐜颁唬鏃舵湡鐨�93.75%;鑰岄仐鍧�闆嗕腑鍒嗗竷楂樼▼鍒欑敱鏄ョ鈥旂Е鍜岃タ姹夆�斿崡鍖楁湞鏃舵湡鐨�4~8绾ц浆绉诲埌鍚�3涓椂鏈熺殑1~4绾�,涓斿叾鏁伴噺琛ㄧ幇鍑烘槑鏄剧殑浠庨珮娴锋嫈鐨勫北鍦颁笜闄靛悜浣庢捣鎷斿钩鍘熴�佷粠楂樺潯搴﹀悜浣庡潯搴﹁浆绉汇�傗懀 鐮旂┒鍖洪仐鍧�婕斿彉妯″紡涓庡吀鍨嬪共鏃卞尯閬楀潃杩佺Щ妯″紡鐩稿弽,琛ㄧ幇涓虹壒娈婄殑鈥滀腑涓婃父鈫掍笅娓糕�濊縼绉荤殑鈥滄箍娑︽ā寮忊�濄�傗懁 鐮旂┒鍖烘枃鍖栭仐鍧�鍒嗗竷銆佹椂绌烘紨鍙樺彈鏀挎不銆佺粡娴庛�佺敓浜у姏绛変汉鏂囧洜绱犲拰鍦拌矊銆佹捣鎷斻�佸潯搴︺�佹皵鍊欑瓑鑷劧鍥犵礌鐨勭患鍚堝奖鍝嶃�傜敱浜庡叾姘斿�欐箍娑�,姘磋祫婧愪赴瀵�,铏界劧閬楀潃鍒嗗竷鍜屾紨鍙樿〃鐜板嚭涓�瀹氱殑娌宠胺璋峰湴銆侀樁鍦般�佸钩鍘熴�佹按璧勬簮绛夆�滆嚜鐒跺洜绱犫�濇寚鍚戞�ц寰�,浣嗘洿绐佸嚭琛ㄧ幇涓虹敓浜у姏姘村钩銆佹斂娌荤ǔ瀹氥�佺粡娴庡彂灞曘�佸晢璐镐氦閫氱瓑鈥滀汉鏂囧姏閲忊�濇寚鍚戞�ц寰�,杩欎竴鐐瑰湪涓悗鏈熻〃鐜板緱鏇翠负鏄庢樉銆�

鍏抽敭璇�: 浼婄妬娌宠胺, 鍘嗗彶鏃舵湡, 鏂囧寲閬楀潃, 鏃剁┖鍒嗗竷, 椹卞姩鍔�


This paper presents an analysis of the spatio-temporal distribution of cultural sites in the Ili River Valley in Northwest China based on the application of ArcGIS software. It further explores the relationships between the spatio -temporal evolution of the sites, human history, and the natural environment. The results indicate that the numbers and proportions of the sites, and the frequency of their occurrence, exhibited an inverted V-shaped change trend during six historical periods. These covered the initial, peak, and declining stages of six periods extending from the Xia-Western Zhou dynasties to the Qing-Modern period. The spatial distribution pattern shifted from "high in the east and low in the west" during the first three periods to "high in the west and low in the east" during the latter three periods, illustrating a change in the spatial center of gravity of human activities. The sites were mainly distributed on slopes of grades 1-5. The proportion of sites increased from 75% during the Spring and Autumn-Qin dynasties to 93.75% during the Qing-Modern period. The concentrated distribution of site elevations shifted from grades 4-8 during the Spring and Autumn-Qin dynasties, and the Western Han-Northern and Southern dynasties to grades 1-4 during the latter three periods. The number of sites showed a shifting trend from high mountains and hills to low plains, and from high slopes to low slopes. In particular, the evolutionary pattern of sites in the study area exhibited a special "moist" pattern of migration from middle and upstream areas to downstream areas, as opposed to the migration pattern of sites located in typical arid areas. The paper also includes a discussion of factors influencing the distribution and spatio -temporal evolution of cultural sites, notably, human factors such as politics, economy, and productivity, and natural factors such as geomorphology, altitude, slope, and climate. Although the distribution and spatio -temporal evolution of cultural sites exhibited an orientation toward natural laws pertaining to factors such as river valleys, terraces, plains, and water resources, they presented a significant orientation toward laws, relating to human-driven forces including productivity levels, political stability, economic development, business and trade, and transport, which were more evident during the latter historical periods.

Key words: Ili River Valley, historical periods, cultural sites, spatio -temporal distribution, driving forces